Please Allow Us to (Re)introduce Ourselves.
We’re Studio H.

November 25, 2022 // 3 minute read

Hello. Welcome to Studio H. Have a look around. Kick the tires. Get behind the wheel. Let me know if I can answer any questions for you.

Sure, we have that new studio smell, but it’s backed by heritage and experience. We were known as Fifth Letter for 15 years. During that time we worked with great clients and produced amazing work that moved the needle for them. Take a look around our site and you’ll see some of it.

As we have all been emerging from our Covid cocoons, and as I begin more face-to-face meetings again, people are asking what this new name—this new arrangement—is all about, who it’s for and how clients will benefit.

Let me begin by saying I’m incredibly proud of what my team members and I built over the years with Fifth Letter. Designers, account managers, interns, collaborators and clients. Friends. These relationships are the glue that held everything together.

In fact, one relationship, the one I had (and still have) with David Horne, the founder of Honestly, was so good that we increasingly pitched work together, often pulling each other into a presentation or project. We possess a shared mindset about how to approach people and opportunities. Plus it’s fun to work with your friends.

So we formally joined forces just as Allison Amos took over Honestly’s day-to-day in December 2019. You remember…The Before Times.

We were also thinking about how this arrangement would benefit the types of clients we wanted more of: the entrepreneurs, product hounds, clever thinkers, storytellers, go-getters and do-gooders.

Studio H brings the best of both worlds to clients: A boutique communication design studio backed by a full-service agency. Clients who have a discrete design-centric project (“help me develop my core brand language”) will stick with us. Down the road, if that same client has more robust marketing needs (“build a program to share and grow my brand”), they will migrate to Honestly. This saves time, money and friction by eliminating the learning curve. We provide built-in familiarity and the hive-mind oompf of a bigger shop when needed.

What does this mean for the clients we’ve had, have and will be getting recommendations from for future conversations? Three things:

  • First, a renewed focus on design-forward projects. We’re not SEO experts. We’re not going to subdivide your email list or build your website database. But we work with people who do those things. Our design work is rooted in manifesting your unique voice through visual and verbal storytelling that delivers joy and drives change. If you feel that’s where your needs and our expertise intersect, let’s talk.

  • Second, our ability to quickly bring other experts to the table. Should your project conversation extend beyond what we would consider design needs, we will include Honestly team members with experience in your areas of interest. Our goal is to help all our design clients grow to the point where it makes sense to have that larger conversation.

  • Third, high-touch service. Set-up a call. Schedule a meeting. Fine with us. We embrace the new familiarity Covid has created in terms of conversations. Let’s talk at all points when working together. After all, we’re on the same team.

So consider Studio H the reintroduction of that favorite car you loved so much. Climb in. Let’s go somewhere. Together.

Thoughts? Questions? Let me know.

Elliot Strunk, an award-winning designer with over 25 years of experience, is the Creative Director of Studio H. You can learn more about him here.


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